VIDEO: Joe Cirotti quotes David Gilmour on his RICK TOONE 67™ nicknamed: Gilmourish. (video courtesy of Don Barnes)
VIDEO: Dr. Andre Fludd reviews the RICK TOONE ‘67 guitar & tremolo.
VIDEO: Dr. Andre Fludd makes it look easy. Graceful tremolo expression throughout this lovely Jeff Beck interpretation. RICK TOONE ‘67 guitar into AxeFX III.
VIDEO: Gabriel Levi steps through the 5-way switch. RICK TOONE ‘67 guitar into ‘64 Fender Deluxe recorded via SM57 and AEA ribbon.
VIDEO: Gabriel Levi explores the RICK TOONE ‘67 tremolo in this beautiful progression. ‘64 Fender Deluxe. SM57 & AEA ribbon mics.
VIDEO: Henry Kaiser deep dives the tremolo on his RICK TOONE ‘67 guitar. Compressor pedal into the board. Video by Henry Kaiser. (thank you!)
VIDEO: Henry Kaiser thrashes the new tremolo on his RICK TOONE ‘67 guitar. Signal chain straight into board. Video + awesome shamanic ritual by Henry. (thank you!)
VIDEO: Chris Buono (cB3 trio 11.30.2023) channels Jeff Beck live at Triumph Brewing Company, Red Bank, NJ. His RICK TOONE ‘67 is running through a massive pedal board into an original ‘64 Fender Deluxe.
VIDEO: Gabriel Levi sits in with Chris Buono (cB3 trio 11.30.2023) live at Triumph Brewing Company, Red Bank, NJ. Gabriel & Chris are both playing RICK TOONE ‘67 guitars.